Monthly Capital Campaign – The October capital campaign is for World Renew Disaster Response Services. DRS lives out God’s love and shares hope with disaster-impacted communities in North America by joining in the restoration of the homes and lives of the most vulnerable survivors. The offering taken on Sunday, October 27th will go directly to helping those affected by Hurricane Helene that struck the east coast at the end of September. Sixty million people in 12 states have been affected by loss of power, homes, and even loss of lives. DRS is already present in Sarasota, Florida, continuing to repair homes after Hurricane Ian struck the Gulf Coast in 2022.
Weekly Education Classes – Join us each week for any of our education classes. Sunday school meets following morning worship and there are classes from Pre-K3 to adult. Pastor Greg is leading the adult Bible study class, and they are studying “The Good News We Almost Forgot: Rediscovering the Gospel in a 16th Century Catechism by Kevin DeYoung. Wednesday Family Night starts with dinner at 6:00 pm and then classes for Pre-K to adults begin at 6:30 pm. Pastor Greg is leading the adult class, and they are doing a Life Guide study on the book of Matthew. Ladies Coffee Break meets every Thursday at 9:30 am and they will be starting a new study called “The Messiah” this week.
Classis Rocky Mountain Meeting – Please be in prayer for the delegates of Classis Rocky Mountain for their fall meeting this week on October 11th-12th. Pastor Greg and Elder Bert Velsen will be the delegates representing Stephenville CRC.
Reformation Sunday/Communion – Join us on October 27th for communion Sunday with the celebration of the 507th Reformation Sunday.
Every month we take a second offering on the 4th Sunday of the month to benefit a local or international ministry.
Listed below are our 2024 monthly capital campaigns. Click on each ministry's name to be taken to their website to learn more about them.
January - Choices Clinic & Life Resource Center
February - Luke's Society
March - Rehoboth Christian School
April - Resonate Global Haiti Missionaries - Johnny and Kim Gryglewicz
May - Mission of Faith Rocky Mountain Church Plant in McAllen, Tx.
June - Brady Miller Benefit
July - Mission India
August - Backpack Buddies of Erath County
September - Resonate Global Uganda Missionaries - Anthony and Sara Sytsma
October - World Renew
November - Tent Schools International
December - Crossroads Prison Ministries