

Monthly Capital Campaign – The September capital campaign is for Resonate Global missionaries, Anthony & Sara Sytsma. The Sytsma’s work mainly with churches from the Pentecostal Assemblies of God Uganda (PAGU) in the region surrounding Soroti, Uganda where they live. Anthony encourages and mentor’s pastors who face many challenges in ministry and who themselves need pastoral care. He teaches informal groups of church leaders through curriculums like Timothy Leadership Training (TLT), and a curriculum he helped to write called “Helping Without Hurting in Africa” based on the book When Helping Hurts. Sara works in churches and communities to help farmers better care for their land, produce more food, save money, and connect the Christian faith to everyday life through Bible study and skills training. She facilitates farmer study groups on agriculture, caring for creation, and nutrition. She also teaches fuel-efficient and nutritious ways of cooking, building clay ovens, and baking. We will take our offering in support of their ministry on Sunday, September 22nd.

Elder/Deacon Nominations – It is time to nominate potential elders and deacons for the coming year. Please submit your nominations by the end of September to any current council members or you can email

Nursery Coordinator - Marsha Vogelvanger has graciously offered to be the nursery volunteer coordinator. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the nursery during Sunday morning worship, please speak to Marsha. As a reminder to all current nursery volunteers, once church is over and all kids are picked up, please make sure all toys are put away and any messes are cleaned up. Following church, the nursery is used for singing and class so keep that in mind as well.

Fall Education Classes – Join us each week in any of our education classes. Sunday school meets following morning worship and there are classes from Pre-K to adult. Pastor Greg is leading the adult Bible study class, and they are studying “The Good News We Almost Forgot: Rediscovering the Gospel in a 16th Century Catechism by Kevin DeYoung. Wednesday Family Night starts with dinner at 6:00 pm and then classes for Pre-K to adult begin at 6:30 pm. Pastor Greg is leading the adult class, and they are doing a Life Guide study on the book of Matthew and are on lesson 2 this week. Ladies Coffee Break meets every Thursday at 9:30 am and they are currently studying “Waiting for God” by Juanita Ryan and are on lesson 5. We also have 2 monthly Bible studies! The first is for all adults, and they meet at Bert & Heidi’s house at 7:00 pm on the first Tuesday of every month. They have started a Life Guide study called “The Cross.” The second is for college age, and they meet the first Thursday of the month at Bert & Heidi’s house for dinner at 6:30pm followed by a Bible study.

SERVE Meeting – SERVE 2025 will be here before we know it! There will be a meeting this coming Monday (9/16) at the church at 7:00 pm. This will be for anyone interested in helping with SERVE Stephenville and for anyone who would be interested in being a leader on the SERVE away trip.

Monthly Celebration of Communion – We will be celebrating the sacrament of communion on Sunday, September 22nd.

5th Sunday Potluck – Join us for a 5th Sunday potluck on September 29th. Please bring a hot and cold dish to share as we fellowship.












Every month we take a second offering on the 4th Sunday of the month to benefit a local or international ministry.

Listed below are our 2024 monthly capital campaigns. Click on each ministry's name to be taken to their website to learn more about them.

January - Choices Clinic & Life Resource Center

February - Luke's Society

March -  Rehoboth Christian School

April - Resonate Global Haiti Missionaries - Johnny and Kim Gryglewicz

May - Mission of Faith Rocky Mountain Church Plant in McAllen, Tx.

June - Brady Miller Benefit

July - Mission India

August - Backpack Buddies of Erath County

September - Resonate Global Uganda Missionaries - Anthony and Sara Sytsma

October - Tent Schools International

November - Crossroads Prison Ministries

December - World Renew